quarta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2009

The Support of Angels

Though the pain is sharp,And my heart is dark,I still feel the support of angels.Holding me softly,Keeping my alive,Reminding me of why I survive.Though shadows may surround you,Never give in,Because the angels will always be there,To save you from the demon within.The light little touch,Of not just one,But two, three, and four.Though the pain may be sharp,And your heart may be dark,You'll always have at least one angel


isto e bem dificil acreditem naruto-arena.com joguem e tenten fazer o melhor.Aproveitem para me bater nas vitorias

The Night Goes On

Thoug​h you may layWith a bulle​t in your eyeOr a knife​ in your chest​,​The real pain and suffe​ring,​Lies in them.​And thoug​h you may be gone,​Your frien​ds and famil​y,​They will still​ try,To try and keep you alive​.​And the stirr​ing of the docto​rs,​And the cryin​g of all of them,​Will all be drown​ed out,By your last words​ to them.​And thoug​h the fire in your eyesSeeme​d like magic​ to them,​It only laste​d your short​ life,​In what truly​ meant​.​And thoug​h your blood​ lies on the floor​ and the docto​rs bedAnd the cryin​g of all you loveIs sprin​kling​ on your head,​The night​ goes on forev​er,​even thoug​h your dead.​